One Ball! One Love! is a supplemental soccer training entity servicing individual players, groups and teams in the Greater Cleveland (Ohio) area. Our Programs and training sessions are designed to improve the mindset, attitude, technique, and understanding of the youth player. We are very committed to helping young players improve their technical abilities so training sessions are designed to target all the necessary elements that the game requires. All that we provide is achieved in a safe, fun, inspiring, and positive atmosphere that encourages hard work, while establishing a competitive attitude to achieve the desired results.
Some of the areas we focus heavily on include :
- 1v1 scenarios (both on the attacking and defensive side of the ball)
- passing (different surfaces of the feet, weight of pass, timing of pass, types of passes, etc)
- receiving (importance of first touch, using different parts of the body, creating space with 1st touch, etc)
- proper striking and finishing techniques
- small sided combination play
Our Mission
The mission of One Ball! One Love! is to develop today's youth into well-rounded players who not only have the footskills and insight to play amongst the best, but to also aid in development of better young people.
Our Core Values
-Mentoring and the ability to teach while learning
Our Philosophy
Here at one ball one love, we believe that sharing the heart and soul of the world’s most popular sport (which is a soccer ball) is very important. As one can imagine, not every child, school or community outside of the United States can afford soccer cleats, socks, shin guards or better yet, a uniform. With soccer equipment being very accessible to those fortunate here in the United States, we would like to help the less fortunate with the necessary equipment. The next time you decide to throw out a used soccer ball, pair of cleats, shin guards, shorts or uniform please keep us in mind as together we can put a smile on someone’s face by sharing the proper equipment to enjoy “THE BEAUTIFUL GAME”.
Areas we donate to includes part of the Caribbean, South and Central America, and various parts of Africa.